You really mean d world 2 me
I askd myself,hw culd tis be?
I really love U wit all my heart til now!
I dread d moments V r apart
U r der 4 me, thru good n bad
U r my evrythin; U r all I hav
I hope U noticd, d way I feel
I hope U noticed, tat these feelins 4 U r real
Wenevr I see U comin up online,I feel so secure
I had a hope tat our love will endure forever
I reveald my true love to U
Nd I thought evn U reveald d same love as I did..But?
I think abt U day aftr day
I really love U,wt more can I say?
Em glad U came in 2 my life
Em glad tat I feel tis all d tym I think abt U way inside
I’ll end tis poem wit an "I Love You" 4 one last tym,
As I Don't wnt 2 hurt U by sayin so,
Please believe, my love 4 U is true
I still hope V really r meant 2 be
And I still believe U know,
"YOU are the world to me!"
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